Paige Lawrence Paige Lawrence

Compete and Compare to WIN

“Comparison and competition are often said to be the thief of progress, joy and confidence….But as someone who has stood on both sides of the fence; someone who knows the journey that is necessary to transform this experience from a negative into a positive, I’d love to share with you the key points that help me to use comparison and competition, in order to win.”

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Paige Lawrence Paige Lawrence

“Safety Third”: a peek into my life motto

“…I’m realizing that life is gloriously imperfect, and hell, so am I!….. I give myself permission to be imperfect, while holding myself accountable to being the absolute best version of myself I can be.”

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Paige Lawrence Paige Lawrence

The Power of Perspective

“…what was originally the worst thing that could have happened to me, became my saving grace.

That is the power of perspective.”

These days, I think we can all use a reminder of how powerful our perspective truly is.

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Paige Lawrence Paige Lawrence

Searching for “Balance”

As a figure skater, “balance” was a part of my every day athletic training… From balancing on a thin blade while gliding across the ice, to finding the proper on-ice and off-ice training, to scheduling out my rest to activity ratio- my life revolved around maintaining a perfect sense of balance. But finding balance in life after sport? That proves to be a little trickier…. Check out some of the ways that I help myself find a sense of balance in this crazy every day life.

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Paige Lawrence Paige Lawrence

Flourishing with Feedback: A Case Study

Last article I broke down how to shift your relationship with feedback, and this article…. well, I’m showing you how I actually implement my own advice!! Take a peak inside my life back when I was training for the Olympics, to see how I received some (very) hard feedback and transformed it into a powerful catalyst for my greatest Olympic moment!

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Paige Lawrence Paige Lawrence

When Did We Stop Being Coachable?

Coachability is one of the universal keys to success, and as a child, most of us effortlessly thrive at it. But when does this norm change for us? And most importantly- why?

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Paige Lawrence Paige Lawrence

An Olympian’s Perspective

“Olympic athletes become Olympians because they are put into a unique, pressurized system that either makes or breaks you. We either adopt the skills and mindset that allows us to excel, or we fall short….Every aspect of our life is designed to challenge the status quo. I now am dedicating my life to help professionals challenge their own status quo.”

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