Work with me

Welcome to the next step in your journey—one where clarity replaces overwhelm, intention drives action, and your biggest goals become a reality.

Working with Me

Are you ready to take your life and career to the next level?

Book a coaching consultation with me →

I'm here to help you unlock your full potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve your wildest dreams.

Paige Lawrence Performance Coach / Executive Coach for Business Owners and Executives

Paige Lawrence Performance Coach / Executive Coach for Business Owners and Executives


It’s time to get you everything you want.

If you’ve read this far, there’s a part of you that knows you could be functioning and performing at a higher level -  that somewhere in you, you have more of that fire and light (AKA potential) for you to share with the world; but you need to learn HOW.

It’s scary, daunting and exciting to own this knowledge and to make the decision to act upon it, but trust me- you deserve it! YOU are your best unused resource. You deserve to invest in bettering YOURSELF.

Get in touch to book a consultation →


How to Work with Me:

1. One-on-One Coaching:


I won’t try to fit you into a pre-planned mold of a program or process.

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I believe that no two clients will experience the exact same coaching experience. Your story, goals and challenges are your own, and I will meet you where you are at.

Our work together will consist of adding clarity to your goals (adding long-term, yearly, outcome & performance goals) and adding organization and intention to monthly, weekly and daily efforts. But the most powerful part of this experience lies in the cultivation of your personal capabilities to help you work, live and perform at a more optimal level, as together we work through the challenges, thrills, roadblocks, and surprises this journey throws at you.


  • All coaching contracts span between 6-12 months and will be conducted online (i.e. Zoom, Facetime, etc.) or by telephone. It’s convenient for you to contact me from WHEREVER in the world you may be and allows you the privacy and comfort of your own home, office, car, hotel room, etc for our meetings.

  • Please reach out to me for a more inclusive listing of services and for coaching investments!

→ Get in Touch about Coaching

2. Keynote Speaker:


Here to fan the fire of potential in any group of people

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There are many parallels between the business and sporting worlds that I am uniquely experienced with. I utilize these to offer a unique, practical and enlightening perspective on a variety of issues that high achieving individuals, teams and organizations face. I enjoy engaging with all audiences, and place the utmost importance on crafting a speech that is relevant and interesting to all ears. I bring my authentic and genuine self to every presentation, speaking from the heart about my own experiences with the intention of leaving you wanting more from yourselves.


  • I have presented at corporate conferences, college graduations, workshops, sports banquets and I am open to almost anything!

  • Please shoot me an email over on the contact page if you are interested in my Keynote Speaking services! I would love to discuss with you what you are producing and what you are looking for from me!

→ Get in Touch about Keynote Speaking

3. Inner Circle Group Coaching:

Group Coaching

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This is a five month commitment for profitable and driven female entrepreneurs who are ready to double down on their goals, claim their confidence and create a wildly fulfilling business- unapologetically.

We focus on the same 3 pillars of Optimal Performance in your life and business- Strategy, Execution & Ownership- but you will also get access to a supportive group of kick-ass women who will inspire, motivate and challenge you.


• 5 months of accelerated growth

• Weekly group calls via zoom

• "Hotseat" 1:1 coaching

• Exclusive community support

• Weekly accountability

• Me, in your corner helping you

to be your best!

Apply for the next round of Inner circle here

Paige Lawrence Executive Coach for Leaders

I’m here. I’m ready to help. The choice is in your hands.

If after reading all of this, you’re still wondering why I’m the right person for you to hire, why not send me an email and let’s chat?

I’m not here to persuade you; I’m here to help you. Simple as that. And at the end of the day, I think the old saying “you can lead a horse to the water but you can’t make it drink”, is exactly right.

I’m ready - click to book a consultation →
